Filantropía Comunitaría

Neighbors for Integral Change Giving Circle

Neighbors for Integral Change Giving Circle is a group of people from around the world who live in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, committed to advancing equity in the Chiapas Highlands community they’ve come to call home.


Neighbors for Integral Change is an inclusive, cross-nationality Giving Circle, based in San Cristóbal de Las Casas. We proactively pool our time, talent and treasure to redistribute resources to the Highlands of Chiapas communities so that they have the tools they need to advance their initiatives.


Be an ever-growing Giving Circle that is a responsible part of building a more equitable, sustainable community in the Highlands of Chiapas.

Shared values

Responsibility, proactivity, awareness, growth through learning, transformational equity, joy in giving.